Saturday, July 30, 2011

it's that time of life...


 I had the privilege of taking some save the date photo's for my good friends Bethany and Broody who just got engaged in June. So excited for them to get married! Congrats my friends!

Friday, July 22, 2011

A Prayer...

"Behold, Lord, an empty vessel that needs to be filled. My Lord, fill it. 
I am weak in the faith; strengthen me. I am cold in love; warm me and make me fervent that my love may go out to my neighbour. I do not have a strong and firm faith; at times I doubt and am unable to trust you altogether. O lord, help me. Strengthen my faith and trust in you. In you I ave sealed the treasures of all I have. I am poor; you are rich and came to be merciful to the poor. I am a sinner; you are upright. With me there is an abundance of sin. in you is the fulness of righteounsess. Therefore, I will remain with you, of whom I can receive, but to whom I may not give. Amen." - Martin Luther

Thursday, July 7, 2011

4th of July Memories

The other day on my friend Holly's blog she shared memories of the 4th of July, celebrating with her family. This inspired me to share some of my 4th memories as well.
I haven't been in the States for the last three 4h of July's so this year it was fun to watch the fire works fly and BBQ at my friend Steph's house.

So...back to memories.
Oregon is the best place to have the 4th of July. Picture this lake with a giant platform in the middle to shoot of the best firework show you've ever seen. Then imagine a beautiful lake house (on the right side of the shore) filled with lots of people, delicious BBQ, fruit pies, watermelon, potato salad and all other sorts of delectable foods. Then as the sky gets black the fireworks start shooting. The best part about it is that the thunder of the fire works echo off the surrounding mountains. Theres no other setting like it for the 4th.

I haven't been to Oregon for the 4th in a long time, but I want to share one of my first memories with fire works and it happened to be there at my friend Anna's grandparent house on the lake. I must have been about 4 or 5 years old. For some reason I found myself being terrified of the booming fire that was threateningly close to falling right on top of me. As a 4-5 year old that is a scary thing. Well... my dad's best friend Rick was there with his daughter Angela. As I was sitting inside the house (because it was a little less scary in there) crying because I was partly just being ridiculous and at the same time genuinely scared, Angela came in and sat me down on her lap and started rocking me and telling me that it was ok.

Then she came up with the most profound thing (that an 11 year old I think may have ever said) to say to me in my tears of distress... she told me "Lauren" ... "fireworks are like roses".... me: "sniff sniff sniff...really?" "yes...they are like roses. Roses are so beautiful!... but if you touch them they'll prick you because of the thorns... fireworks are the same way...they are so beautiful but if you get to near them or touch them they will hurt you, so just admire them from a distance..."

so that little analogy has stuck with me ever since...and have been a big fan of fireworks as well =) However as I have thought about this simple though I have found it to be true with many other things in life...that God has created things beautiful, but if mishandled or abused have great potential for causing pain for ourselves or others. So thats my little memory, and I have had many other great 4th memories including last year waking up to American flags all over the cottage (including the toilet) put up by my dear dear friend Petra.  This 4th of July was quite different than I was expecting...but that story is for another time...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Today our family celebrates the Papa. I am particularly thankful for a father who introduced me to good music, food, drink, to travel, the outdoors, reading and learning. I am thankful for a father who let me have the first sip of a foamy beer at dinner, who taught me how to play pool, who challenged me to excellence in all I do and who took me to my first electric rock concert at age 5. However it is his presence that I'm thankful for the most, as well as his willingness to preach the Gospel to his family daily. Thanks Pop. Love you! 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

finally finished...

My dad asked me if I could paint a bold color, bold brush stroke painting of Ruby Peak for the new house in Oregon...I started in October making a homemade canvas, primed and toned it...then it sat for a few months, just waiting and waiting to be painted on...however the painter was rather nervous! I had never painted a landscape before, and it took many frustrating and stressful hours to work out the kinks. However I'm fairly pleased with how it turned out! It was a big challenge and I learned a lot!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Well it’s been almost two weeks now since I’ve been home. One week was simple, routine, adjusting back into a different life, and the second week I started work. Getting back into “ranch” shape is no easy task, which includes lugging 5,000 lbs of brisket into a freezer, making 750 lbs of baked beans, lifting box after 50lb box of potatoes, and the list goes on. It’s no longer mental work I’m doing but physical. I needed these two weeks to in a way chill out, readjust, and stop my brain from going a million miles an hour like it did all year at Whitworth.

So now…now I’m ready to start writing. To start thinking again, processing, reading and looking for ways to make this a rich summer. It will be different from past summers, as they have been spent in my second home Northern Ireland and the Czech Republic. But “different doesn’t mean bad, it just means different” …that is a phrase I heard many times from Paul B. while I was there, and I’ve tried to remember that as I find myself in “different” situations. This summer will be filled with different. Different challenges, different lessons, different people, different culture and different opportunities to serve. I will miss N.I and Czech this summer,  with my entire heart I will…and I already do. But just because I’m not able to go this summer doesn’t mean I won’t go in the future Lord willing.

I am thankful for the time I get to spend with my family as those times have been short over the last three years, I’m thankful that the Lord has provided a job for me, and I’m looking forward to what the summer will bring. I pray that I will be able to embrace different this summer, be flexible, willing and joyful. I don't know what exactly lies ahead this summer but i'm excited to find out!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

tune my heart to sing thy grace...

Come Thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
Praise the mount I'm fixed upon it
Mount of Thy redeeming love

Here I raise mine Ebenezer
Hither by Thy help I come
And I hope by Thy good pleasure
Safely to arrive at home
Jesus sought me when a stranger
Wondering from the fold of God
He, to rescue me from danger
Interposed His precious blood

O to grace how great a debtor
daily I'm constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness like a fetter, 
bind my wandering heart to Thee
Prone to wander Lord I feel it, 
prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart Lord, take and seal it,
seal it for Thy courts above

This song has always been one of my very favorite hymns. Rarely are my eyes dry when a room full of saints and sinners alike join in sinning these words. The picture of someone in their frailty, someone wandering from their maker, seeing their need for redemption...The Christ pursuit of strangers, his shackles of goodness that bind wandering hearts to himself, his precious blood that rescues us from danger, his seal placed upon us. This song resonates in me, because it sings of the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I pray God would tune my heart to sing of these graces daily, to sing melodious sonnets of his mercies new each morning...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

PORTFOLIO and other things...

I spent the last week slaving away at putting together a little portfolio...that has a much bigger impact on my future at Whitworth. Even though I've taken all the basic requirements for the art major and only have three or four more classes to complete an art degree, I'm still not technically admitted to the art program. Thats what the portfolio is for...

Also this week was the second part of the month long application process for resident assistant. Tuesday night was carousels. These are role play situations that applicants have to go through. VERY NERVE WRECKING... I feel as if I could do any interview now. March 18th is the day I find out.

For Christmas my mom gave me a little blue wooden block that says "Trust the Lord." This has been such a simple, and yet strong and beautiful reminder that despite everything that is hanging so eloquently in the air, that the Lord's plan is good and solid. He is my Rock in times of uncertainty, and fortress in which I am saved, as the Psalmist says.

"Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me." ... "Into your hands I commit my spirit; redeem me , O Lord, the God of truth." -Psalm 31

a few from the portfolio...


I has been over a month since I've written...sorry little blog. I promise it won't be that way again.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Over a hot mug of french press coffee, my friend Anna and I began to talk of school (since it is the beginning of a new semester) ...and how I am excited for new classes. At the same time I wish I could learn about the world by traveling, or learn from people (like Anna) and their particular skills, wisdom and such, and from experiences that are to be had. I suppose I can still have those now, but my time is more focused. I know now this time of my life is meant to be in the academic world... to sit in white walled rooms and desks just big enough fit a piece of paper on and take in as much information and process that into knowledge and wisdom. In this place I learn much and am thankful for much, however I am excited to continue my education outside the "pine tree curtain" for my education will never end until I die.

Here are a few quotes Anna shared with me from a book called "Laddie"...

"Is he well educated?"
"Yes, I think so, as far as he's gone," I answered.  "Of course he will go on being educated every day of his life, same as father. He says it is all rot about 'finishing' your education. You never do. You learn more important things each day, and by the time you are old enough to die, you have almost enough sense to know how to live comfortably..."

"School houses are made wrong. If they must be, they should be built in a woods pasture beside a stream, where you could wade, swim, and be comfortable in summer, and slide and skate in winter.  The windows should be cut to the floor, and stand wide open, so the birds and butterflies could pass through. You ought to learn your geography by climbing a hill, walking through a valley, wading creeks, making islands in them , and promontories, capes, and peninsulas along the bank.  You should do your arithmetic sitting under trees adding hickory nuts, subtracting walnuts, multiplying butternuts, and dividing hazelnuts.  You could use apples for fractions, and tin cups for liquid measure.  You could spell everything in sight and this would teach you the words that are really used in the world.  Every single one of us could spell incompatibility, but I never heard father, or the judge, or even the Bishop, put it in a speech.
      If you simply can't have school that way, then you should be shut in black cells, deep under the ground, where you couldn't see, or hear a sound..."

(and as I was typing this out I misspelled my dear friend Anna was more than happy to point out!)

Saturday, January 22, 2011


... As I have travled from Colorado to Spokane recently, and all around the northwest last semester...and to Northern Ireland and Czech these last few summers... I have seen all different landscapes, cityscapes, cloud formations, sunsets, sunrises, every stage of the moon, a Lunar eclipse, and mountains... I'm stunned at the variety of creation, the unique features of the world... beauty is at the center of it all. Not because it's necessarily always 'pleasing' to the eye, but that it is the handiwork of God, the author of beauty. I see the reflection of God in his creation. 

When I see the moon, big and bright as can be, I am merely seeing a reflection of something greater. The moon's light, it's pride and joy, come completely from the sun. We can see just a mere reflection of the sun's radiant light in the moon. There are some nights we can even barely look at the moon because of it's brightness, and to think it's dull in comparison to the sun. The moon has no beauty apart from itself. It cannot boast about it's light apart from the sun. 

There's a children's book that explains this from a prideful moon's perspective... "He'd (the moon) boast away and loved to say "I am the greatest light!" Until one day there came a piercing ray showed him a shocking sight. He saw his pride and then cried for all that he had done, for he had lied when he denied his light came from the sun. So now each night a new delight is what he loves the most, reflecting light with all his might, the sun is now his boast!" - (from Full Moon Rising)

Translate into God and us often are we the moon, taking pride in ourselves, in our abilities, and talents, money, experiences etc. neglecting to give credit where credit is due? Everything comes from the Lord, down to each single breath. Jesus, his beauty, his glory is all the boast we have. There is no room for boasting of ourselves, when we come into contact with the creator of the world. His light is piercing to the heart! 

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day the pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voices are not heard." -Psalms 19:1-3

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Dog Days Are Over

I got a Flip video camera for Christmas, and this is the first little video
I've made with it!