Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Few Of My Favorite Smells

A little while back I mentioned that I was going to share a few lists of my favorite things. Well a test here, an art project there and time starts to disappear faster than you can believe. So for the record, I haven't forgotten, I've just been... well doing a lot of school work.

So to start...  LIST # 1: SMELLS ... smells for me (and I'm assuming most other people) evoke incredible memories. Nostalgia rises deep within my stomach and it reminds me that there are things not always seen, but yet so incredibly real. These are a few smells I've come to deeply appreciate!

10.  The smell anytime I walk into my house and my mom is cooking... if you've ever been over for dinner you know what I'm talking about!
9. Smell of the inside of a tent
8. Smell of the forest
7. Sweet smell of hay
6. Smell of fresh bread/rolls baking
5. Smell of mint fields in Wallowa County
4. Smell right after it rains
3. Smell of pipe tobacco
2. Smell of the ocean in the north coast of N.I.
1. Smell of a beautifully brewed cup of Peets Coffee

Feel free to share some of your favorite smells!


  1. Pine tree on a hot day. The inside of a brandy snifter sitting by the fire. The inside of Peet's now ancient coffee shop in Berkeley (which is like being inside a roasted coffee bean.)

  2. I really like the smell right after it rains... The smell of oranges is one of my favorite ones as well. And cellars! Another one would be when you can smell snow and cold winter in the air... if it snows at that moment too, even better!

    I wish our Coldplay mornings in the Cottage had a smell. Love you Twin!
