Wednesday, August 29, 2012

thoughts for this morning...

Psalm 126

A song of ascents.

 When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion,
    we were like those who dreamed.

Our mouths were filled with laughter, 

    our tongues with songs of joy. 
Then it was said among the nations,
    “The Lord has done great things for them.”
 The Lord has done great things for us,
    and we are filled with joy.
 Restore our fortunes, Lord,
    like streams in the Negev. 
 Those who sow with tears 
    will reap with songs of joy.  Those who go out weeping, 
    carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
    carrying sheaves with them.

This morning I woke up early. Every morning since I have been back in Colorado I go to my window and look across the road to see the plot of charred land that used to be our dear neighbors home. Each morning I'm surprised again at the amount of destruction that surrounds me.

I then turn to remember those around me, and the suffering and difficulties they endure each day. The fight to just make it by each day… not knowing how they will pay the bills... big relational issues... cancer, depression… loneliness… family that is hurting… 

Sometimes… a lot of times... it feels so overwhelming. 

I was talking with two dear friends yesterday (they are both very intelligent Theology students I went to school with) We were talking about suffering, and one of my friends said something I really appreciated. She said no matter how many times I talk about suffering, and think I have it semi figured out or maybe come to some sort of theological idea about it…each time I end up asking some of the same questions. 

I love how humble she is in this. No matter how many times she or someone she knows goes through a new season of suffering, she doesn't pretend she knows everything or has all the answers (despite her incredible faith and love for God) she feels the hurt and doesn't shy from it. She takes the opportunity to ask questions, while at the same time having an expectant heart to see the will and glory of God. Sometimes we might never be given a complete answer for suffering. Other times it's very clear what God might be trying to show us, or to see how he works through it. 

I am thankful for God's word and how it is living and active, and has something new to say to us in each season, and each time we read it. This morning I read Psalms 126, and to me it was such an encouragement, and such a picture of the hope we have in Christ. Present suffering will turn to joy. I don't know how, but God does. He is faithful and his word is true. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

food for thought...

"The true character of the loveliness that speaks for God is always unnoticed by the one possessing that quality. Conscious influence is prideful and unchristian. If I wonder if I am being of any use to God, I instantly lose the beauty and the freshness of the touch of the Lord. “He who believes in Me . . . out of his heart will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38). And if I examine the outflow, I lose the touch of the Lord.
Who are the people who have influenced us most? Certainly not the ones who thought they did, but those who did not have even the slightest idea that they were influencing us. In the Christian life, godly influence is never conscious of itself. If we are conscious of our influence, it ceases to have the genuine loveliness which is characteristic of the touch of Jesus. We always know when Jesus is at work because He produces in the commonplace something that is inspiring." -Oswald Chambers