Well... it's been awhile, as usual, and it's time to dust off these old electronic pages of the blog and start fresh...with the new year. This last year (especially the last semester) being one of the busiest yet, with balancing two roles of resident assistant and student, did not leave much time to blog let alone be on facebook or the interweb as much. I actually quite enjoyed it. Do not get me wrong, I'll be the first to be thankful for things such as skype, facebook and email, but it can quickly turn from a device of staying in touch with friends in far places, to something that takes valuable time I could be spending elsewhere. This is aside from my point, anyway, last year was a busy one, maybe to busy, so I'm hoping and praying and going to be intentional about making this year one that won't be characterized by "busy."
I haven't normally read devotionals, but I got one for my birthday this past year, and have opened it up occasionally and found more than twice it is exactly what I needed to hear that day. (I find myself opening it up more and more frequently!) It's called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, some people might find it a bit strange (because it is from the point of view of God talking), but I've thought it has some real gems of truth and strong challenges to live in light of trusting God, resting in his presence and thanking him for his abounding love. Anyway thinking about not being so busy this year, it reminded me of one of the devotionals...
"How much better it is to walk close to Me, depending on My strength and trusting Me in every situation. If you live in this way, you will do less but accomplish far more. Your unhurried pace of living will stand out in this rush-crazed age. Some people may deem you lazy, but many more will be blessed by your peacefulness. Walk in the Light with Me, and you will reflect Me to the watching world."
This is a "rush-crazed" world, and I've fallen into that pace quite nicely. When I do, I find that I characterize and value myself more by the things I do, rather than who's I am, and that... is a dangerous thing.
It's almost inevitable that our lives will be busy, but I think there is a lot more of an attitude of business that is what distracts us from living each day in the presence of God. So rather than aligning myself with business and things to do, my challenge for myself (and anyone reading this) is to be characterized by time spent walking humbly with Christ, taking up my cross each day and dying to the desires to serve myself and worldly living, but rather loving and serving God and others and living in light of and in hope of His kingdom that is present and coming.
May God bless this new year of 2012, and may he be given all glory and honour.