Saturday, January 22, 2011


... As I have travled from Colorado to Spokane recently, and all around the northwest last semester...and to Northern Ireland and Czech these last few summers... I have seen all different landscapes, cityscapes, cloud formations, sunsets, sunrises, every stage of the moon, a Lunar eclipse, and mountains... I'm stunned at the variety of creation, the unique features of the world... beauty is at the center of it all. Not because it's necessarily always 'pleasing' to the eye, but that it is the handiwork of God, the author of beauty. I see the reflection of God in his creation. 

When I see the moon, big and bright as can be, I am merely seeing a reflection of something greater. The moon's light, it's pride and joy, come completely from the sun. We can see just a mere reflection of the sun's radiant light in the moon. There are some nights we can even barely look at the moon because of it's brightness, and to think it's dull in comparison to the sun. The moon has no beauty apart from itself. It cannot boast about it's light apart from the sun. 

There's a children's book that explains this from a prideful moon's perspective... "He'd (the moon) boast away and loved to say "I am the greatest light!" Until one day there came a piercing ray showed him a shocking sight. He saw his pride and then cried for all that he had done, for he had lied when he denied his light came from the sun. So now each night a new delight is what he loves the most, reflecting light with all his might, the sun is now his boast!" - (from Full Moon Rising)

Translate into God and us often are we the moon, taking pride in ourselves, in our abilities, and talents, money, experiences etc. neglecting to give credit where credit is due? Everything comes from the Lord, down to each single breath. Jesus, his beauty, his glory is all the boast we have. There is no room for boasting of ourselves, when we come into contact with the creator of the world. His light is piercing to the heart! 

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day the pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voices are not heard." -Psalms 19:1-3

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Dog Days Are Over

I got a Flip video camera for Christmas, and this is the first little video
I've made with it!